Thursday, October 2, 2008

It appears that I am a ninja. Thank you Reginald, that will be all.


MrReederCPFA said...

Go to

Daphne Longo-Okcuoglu said...

hey! I am teaching myself this so I can be up to speed with you all when I return! ciao bella...

MrReederCPFA said...

Hey Claire. I should have taken your picture while you were there today. It didn't strike me until it was too late, that you might not be here on Thursday. Will you?
Also, while I am here.... You have some nice work, can you post some of it, so I can make lots of constructive comments?

Daphne Longo-Okcuoglu said...

hey dudette- Looks like u r tres busy w/ the theatre and have not had too much time to post pics....but I know u have lots of good get blogging girly!

ps- Facebook me too!