Saturday, March 21, 2009

two few

I found these two in the vortex of my computer. They are two of the very few images I like of myself. 

And they are taken by a person I very much admire. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I'm becoming more and more obsessed with musicians who have actual lyrics in the songs. Its shocking to think that there can be more than one verse repeated to the point of monotony. I almost don't know what to do with myself. 

I haven't had a chance to work on my text stuff. Rehearsal has started again, so that is consuming just about every hour of my waking life. Which is a fantastic thing; less time to be anal retentive and obsess over little things... except for my beloved ballads of course. 


Ps Zach-- I still have to show you the limericks I wrote during the PSSAs today. I'm sure you could find a score of truisms there :D

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

good luck

This epitomizes my life

Saturday, March 7, 2009

double exposure

I'd planned on doing another text image, but the photoshop ninjas snuck in while my brain was in screensaver and turned it into a double exposure instead. Those cheeky buggers...

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Over the past few months I've been having a hard time with photography, mostly being uninspired and unmotivated to do anything more than be bitter. This assignment though, TEXT, is changing the way I'm looking at photography, and alarmingly enough its becoming fun again (gasp!)

I've been paying attention to images that are a couple years old that didnt really mean anything before, but now that I'm finding them again, I'm falling in love with. The two below are take one and two of the same image. I'm still debating which one I like more. Both phrases mean a lot to me, so its hard to pick a favorite :)

In case you cant see the words, it reads:

I'm told the show will still go on, even after I am gone.

Leave me my dignity 

Thats all for now--Mrs. O, this is me coming out of my funk.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Attempt numero uno.