Sunday, November 9, 2008


I'm not entirely sure why I took this shot, since I despise wearing makeup, but I think it's an interesting rout to take for the future self portraiture assignment. 
My beloved pipe and pocket watch 
It was wasn't until after the shot did I notice the warning labels...
how freudian of me.
This one is part of an independent study project I did last year... the entire window frame looked like a shrine of my face. It was ghastly. However I do like the way some individual shots came out.


MrReederCPFA said...

Great Claire. I love the freudian slip. I am enjoying your use of light, and composition.

Daphne Longo-Okcuoglu said...

Hi Claire - GOOD 4 u posting stuff on here and got good grade in class - hope u r well! Like the close-ups...I would not call them evident of shutter however - a "shutter" pick is going to speak about movement freezing or blurring the action...or at the very least about the lighting conditions themselves...i.e. I will post 2 pics on thsi blog in the next day to give you an example. BUT, I live the clarity and detail of the still lifes. I will psot some still lifes 2 u that I have been working on lately..and I REALLY want to do da still life assignment w/ all when I return...Happy EVERYTHING!!! 2 u - let's catch up soon...

Kri Snow said...

LOVE the pipe and the clock pictures. They're brilliant.